
NameDescriptionOwnerLast commit
bitreich-shortFork of bitreich-httpd to shorten URLs Willy Goiffon2020-10-15 14:12
cdbConstant database manipulation utility Willy Goiffon2023-06-07 12:27
creamStream encryption utility Willy Goiffon2023-11-08 10:09
dedupdeduplicating backup program Dimitris Papastamos2019-07-13 00:24
distrolinux distribution experiments Willy Goiffon2018-10-30 23:22
glazierwindow management experiments Willy Goiffon2022-02-17 10:50
hadarawgsHadara adaptation for Willy Goiffon2020-05-18 16:02
hashcrushCompute Argon2id hashes Willy Goiffon2023-08-18 10:14
humanprint numbers in human-readable format Willy Goiffon2017-06-07 06:53
icmphopAdd hops in ipv6 traceroute Willy Goiffon2024-04-15 11:39
libeechbittorrent library Willy Goiffon2020-03-25 10:46
libwmX windows manipulation library dcat/z3bra2021-09-09 09:33
mkbdisplay progress bars in the terminal Willy Goiffon2015-11-15 14:56
mkportsrecipes for building multiple softwares with mk(1) Willy Goiffon2017-05-31 06:29
monochromaticmonochromatic blog: Willy Goiffon2021-09-29 17:48
partageFile upload system Willy Goiffon2022-11-28 09:49
phroxyGopher to HTTP proxy Willy Goiffon2022-10-25 10:41
pmbarely a pack manager Willy Goiffon2020-06-02 11:04
randrprint current monitor size 2019-12-28 21:29
ratoxFIFO based tox client sin/frign2022-11-21 13:43
repolist/download/sync packs with remote repositories Willy Goiffon2017-11-27 07:49
safe-goUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. 2022-09-14 15:32
safepassword protected secret keeper Willy Goiffon2022-10-19 13:34
sailfish-safeSailfish frontend for safe(1) Willy Goiffon2021-07-13 17:12
scoreboardInteractive scoreboard for CTF-like games Willy Goiffon2024-09-26 15:38
scriboEmail-based phlog generator Willy Goiffon2020-09-20 10:06
scriptsvarious script and utils Willy Goiffon2017-07-28 21:17
sexlibtermbox based text editor dcat/z3bra2016-04-06 06:27
sicksign and check files using ed25519 Willy Goiffon2023-08-25 06:16
skrollscroll a text to stdout Willy Goiffon2019-07-01 09:15
spkpStacking wayland compositor Willy Goiffon2020-11-16 17:09
synksynchronize files between hosts Willy Goiffon2019-07-01 09:10
typrTyping practice program Willy Goiffon2021-03-16 16:31
webdump[FORK] git:// Hiltjo Posthuma2020-03-12 21:33
wendywatch files/directories and run commands on any event Willy Goiffon2020-09-03 10:10
wmutilsX windows manipulation utilities dcat/z3bra2021-10-05 14:53
xmenudrop-down menu for X11 Willy Goiffon2023-10-02 09:04